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A.QUA          /          Portable Steam Humidifier

Universal/Sustainability Design

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Business Trend

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing refers to a set of standards for a company’s behavior used by socially conscious investors to screen potential investments.

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Social Demand

There is a need for personalized design that takes into account energy efficiency and sustainability aligned with social trends, as well as user-centric interactions.


Many renowned global companies are adopting the concept of personal offices within their workplaces. As office environments shift from large open areas designed for collective use to smaller spaces tailored for individual users, there is a growing need for energy-efficient products specifically designed for these compact, personalized spaces.



Neutral tones give the product a warm, cozy feel and help it blend in well with the background.


Bio-based plastic is a material that is growing rapidly in response to social trends seeking eco-friendliness and sustainability.


A soft and matte finish enhances the tactile feel and grip.

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The App is under development...

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